The Hall School
top 200
The Hall School London Visit
The Hall School
443 pupils, ages 4-13
Boys only

The Hall School

If you glanced at the list of schools to which The Hall sends leavers, you’d be forgiven for thinking this longstanding north London prep was a pressure cooker. And yes: boys’ achievements here are way, way above average. But look closely: witness the relationship between staff and pupils; chat to the boys about their experience; see the breadth of the curriculum and the enrichment offerings – and you’ll realise why this is such a sought-after school.Flanked by big, ornate Hampstead red-bricks, The Hall is spread across three sites in the residential streets behind Swis...
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  • Senior school destinations

  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 1£7,292
    Year 2£7,514
    Year 3£7,514
    Year 4£7,514
    Year 5£7,514
    Year 6£7,514
    Year 7£7,514
    Year 8 £7,514

    The Hall offers bursaries to new entrants from Year 4 upwards of up to 100% of fees, subject to a full financial review. This support is designed to allow the most able boys to attend the school, and as such a certain level of future academic potential is required, and candidates need to be strongly supported in a report from their current school on academic performance, potential and motivation, as well as to show evidence of adequate academic potential in assessments to be completed in January each year. These assessments are based on English, Maths and Cognitive Ability tests and an interview. 

    Awards are reassessed annually. For more information about the bursarial support offered, please see the School’s website:

    Bursary contact:
    Registrar Ms Lucy Naylor
  • Transport links


23 Crossfield Road, Hampstead, London, NW3 4NU

020 7722 1700


ISI Report


Term Dates

Open Days

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