Talk to our team
Choosing your child’s school is one of the most important decisions you will ever make – let our experienced team help you. We will guide you through the decision-making process and give you the confidence to make the right choice, armed with the most up-to-date insider knowledge. We are all parents ourselves – we know how hard this is, and we can make it easier for you.
‘We moved into a popular area and missed the registration deadline for 11+ schools. The TE team came to the rescue with a short list of excellent suggestions in their School Search, and in the end we received offers from four out of five of our top choices. I was particularly impressed with the way they guided us away from the "dinner-party chat" and suggested the right school for us.’ Susie, London, October 2021
How do we work?
We listen – and we talk! Life is complicated enough, so we’ve made our Schools Advice service really straightforward. Our services start at just £299+VAT. Please call us on + 44 7801 450218, or alternatively fill out this form to request a quick free-of-charge chat with us, and to find out more about our services:
Sign up for Schools Advice
School Search
Our Quick School Search includes a discussion by telephone or video call with a senior advisor to talk through your child's interests, abilities and personality, and to discuss what you and your child are looking for in a school. From this, we will send you a bespoke list of potential schools, tailored to your specific needs.
Our Full School Search starts with a one-hour discussion by telephone or video call with a senior advisor to talk through your child’s interests, abilities and personality, and to discuss what you and your child are looking for in a school. From this, we will draw up a bespoke list of potential schools tailored to your – and your child's – specific needs, and send you a detailed report. In a follow-up discussion, we will go through the merits of each school. Using your subscription to our Schools Guide, you will be able to compare and contrast schools on your shortlist, make notes on your dashboard and receive the latest news, updates and Open Days on your shortlisted schools.
Our Full School Search is also perfect for those with young babies or if you are expecting a child - our dedicated early years advisor will help you select the very best nursery schools as well as pre-preps, and can help with completing registration forms for schools/nurseries.
EARLY YEARS ASSESSMENT (for entry into Pre-Prep and Prep schools)
Our bespoke EY Assessment focuses on all seven areas of learning, both prime and specific, from the government EYFS. It has been carefully designed by our early years advisor to be very play based and is done in person with a selection of resources.
All expectations from competitive entrance schools at both 3+ and 4+ level are covered - we have worked with children who have gained places at all of the top London schools so we are familiar with what schools are looking for and make sure to add elements if we know they will be coming up on the assessment e.g. cutting skills.
Feedback is provided to parents on:
listening and communication skills
fine motor skills development
ability to concentrate, focus and persevere
ability to recognise sounds in words as an essential pre-phonics skills
ability to recognise amounts, counting skills, number recognition, early calculation skills, and shape, space and measure.
For older children at Reception level/Year 1 we look more closely at their knowledge of phonics and ability to segment and blend/read and write as well as expected mathematical development levels reflecting the curriculum expectations.
Feedback can be delivered verbally in a 30 minute feedback session or in a detailed report.
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Early Years
Let us guide you on the right choices for your child as they start their journey into education. Starting with a one-hour discussion by telephone or video call with our dedicated, experienced nursery advisor, we will explore the very best nursery settings in your area and how to apply for them, any assessment processes required and the key deadlines to bear in mind. We will also give you an overview of the UK education system. From this, we will draw up a bespoke list of nurseries tailored to you and your child's specific needs. Using our Nurseries Guide, you will be able to compare and contrast nurseries on your shortlist, make notes on your dashboard and receive the latest news and updates on your chosen nurseries.
Ready to register for nurseries now? We can register your child at nurseries from as early as the delivery room, letting you concentrate on your family at this precious time.
EARLY YEARS ASSESSMENT (for entry into Pre-Prep and Prep schools)
Our bespoke EY Assessment focuses on all seven areas of learning, both prime and specific, from the government EYFS. It has been carefully designed by our early years advisor to be very play based and is done in person with a selection of resources.
All expectations from competitive entrance schools at both 3+ and 4+ level are covered - we have worked with children who have gained places at all of the top London schools so we are familiar with what schools are looking for and make sure to add elements if we know they will be coming up on the assessment e.g. cutting skills.
Feedback is provided to parents on:
listening and communication skills
fine motor skills development
ability to concentrate, focus and persevere
ability to recognise sounds in words as an essential pre-phonics skills
ability to recognise amounts, counting skills, number recognition, early calculation skills, and shape, space and measure.
For older children at Reception level/Year 1 we look more closely at their knowledge of phonics and ability to segment and blend/read and write as well as expected mathematical development levels reflecting the curriculum expectations.
Feedback can be delivered verbally in a 30 minute feedback session or in a detailed report.
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One-hour Problem Solver
If you need instant advice on a particular question, we can help. You might be trying to decide between two schools you already know, or need help with a knotty issue – what is prep-school boarding really like for a child who has never boarded before? How and when should you start preparing for the 11+? Are A-levels or the IB more suitable for your teenager? If you’re new to the mysteries of UK independent education, this is a good starting point.
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Bursaries Advice
Many schools have healthy bursary pots for the right candidate, but the application process can be daunting. If you are considering applying for a bursary to your chosen school, or would like to know whether you might be eligible for one, we offer a one-hour Scholarship and Bursary Consultation with our experienced bursary adviser, helping you to navigate the often complex system of applying for financial aid.
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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Advice
We have a team of specialist SEN-school and college-search educational consultants to help parents seeking advice and support. We have a strong record in supporting families to access successful placements in both mainstream and specialist settings; together we will help you to identify schools that meet your child’s needs, draw up shortlists of potential schools or colleges and help with applications.
We can help you to figure out next steps based upon reviewing your family’s paperwork and a discussion with you. We also identify what to look for in terms of SEND support from a school, and offer support with identifying schools to consider and how to access placements.
We are happy to arrange a bespoke quotation for you, depending on your family's needs.
We offer a free 15-minute, no-obligation consultation before committing to further help.
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If you have any other questions, please
contact us or call us on + 44 7801 450218. We are here to talk.
‘I was in the worst panic of my life trying to find the right prep school – thank goodness for Kate's sane and sympathetic advice. I will be coming back to Talk Education when I start the senior-school selection process.’ Abigail, Kent, Sept 2021

Case Studies
Christina and Jon are a London-based couple, expecting their first child and new to independent education. They were feeling overwhelmed by advice from well-meaning friends and colleagues, and were looking for impartial advice to help them navigate their way through the UK school system, starting with nursery registrations. They had a ninety-minute telephone consultation, during which our adviser found out more about their expectations and aspirations, listened to their concerns, talked them through the UK independent education system and suggested a list of priorities for them to consider.
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Anne-Sophie and Jerome are originally from France but have relocated to London for work. Their children attend a state primary school near their home, and are happily settled there, but they were concerned about the next stage of their education - should they move them to an independent school at 7+ or 8+, or wait until 11+? Our adviser listened to their concerns, talked them through their options and helped them to make their decision.
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