Leehurst Swan
Leehurst Swan Salisbury, Wiltshire Visit
Leehurst Swan
202 pupils, ages 4-16

Leehurst Swan

Located in a quiet Salisbury suburb, this pocket-sized all-through school offers parents seamless transition from aged four to 16. There’s a wonderfully bespoke GCSE programme (pupils aren’t limited by restrictive subject blocks), and the performing arts are strong. At 16, many pupils head onto grammar schools in Salisbury or head a little further afield to sixth form colleges in Winchester....
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  • Fees and bursaries

    Day fees per term

    Year 1£2,650
    Year 2£2,650
    Year 3£3,317
    Year 4£3,850
    Year 5£4,450
    Year 6£4,450
    Year 7£5,750
    Year 8 £5,750

    Year 9 - £5,750
    Year 10 - £5,883
    Year 11 - £5,883

  • Transport links


19 Campbell Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3BQ

01722 333 094


ISI Report


Term Dates

Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days

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