Day fees per term
Year 7 | £8,240 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 | £8,240 |
Year 11 | £8,240 |
Year 12 | £8,240 |
Year 13 | £8,240 |
Hampton offers a comprehensive bursary suite, with means tested fee support of up to 100% offered to new entrants to the school as well as hardship bursaries set aside for families whose financial circumstances unexpectedly change. All awards are subject to a full financial history and an annual review.
The School has recently launched its Fitzwygram Foundation with the goal of supporting 50 new Free Places at Hampton by 2025 to the brightest boys from all backgrounds. Fitzwygram Foundation Scholarship pupils receive 100% fee remission and additional financial assistance with other reasonable costs (e.g. coach travel, lunches, uniform). These awards are subject to means-testing and are dependent upon the financial circumstances of the applicant’s family, and any boy applying for bursarial support will also be considered for a Fitzwygram Scholarship.
For more information about both the general bursary scheme and the Fitzwygram Foundation, please see the school website:
Bursary contact:
Head of Admissions & Marketing Mrs Dorothy Jones