Bredon Junior School
Bredon Junior School Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire Visit
Bredon Junior School
228 pupils, ages 7-11
Day and Boarding

Bredon Junior School

There’s an unmistakable feeling that this is a school that has really found its stride. With a smidgen of what the school’s founder Lt. Col. Sharp would have termed ‘mission creep’, Bredon was perhaps a victim of its own success, building a reputation for doing brilliantly with all children who need more nurture. And so it did, but a swathe of new and clear marketing and the singular focus of Bredon’s superb headmaster now leaves visitors in no doubt as to Bredon’s raison d'être which, in the words of the head, is ‘to enhance the superpower o...


Teacher in a black and white top in class with pupils

Bredon Junior School is
linked with:


Pull Court, Bushley, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 6AH

01684 293156


ISI Report


Term Dates

Open Days

Open days and how to visit View Open Days Register for open Day

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