Rugby School Online - Exam Revision Courses

Online revision products for A-levels are not new.

Rugby School, however, has taken online revision to a new level, and we are making it available to anyone who wants to buy it.

We have concentrated, to start with, on Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics – commonly seen as three of the most difficult and demanding A-level subjects.

Our own specialist teachers have made revision more personal and more accessible, showing you how to recognise the tough questions, explaining what the questions are in fact asking you to do, and demonstrating how, stage by stage, to formulate and present the answers.

You can take a look at some sample material and an introductory video here.

Chemistry is an extremely valuable exam subject because it underpins so much else in Science. This revision course will not only help you give the correct answers, but it will show you the best way to arrive at those answers. It will take you beyond just remembering the information and give you the ability to apply, analyse, evaluate and synthesise it. These higher order skills will turn a B grade into an A A* grade.

Physics offers a fantastic career progression in itself, but also promotes a range of transferable skills – modelling, structured thinking, investigative and mathematical skills amongst them – and is important if you want to study engineering. This revision course delivers a structured, methodical, easily understood approach to the exam and, along the way, will give you several tips that that can reduce pre-exam pressure.

Mathematics is an irreplaceable core subject. Successful mathematicians are valued highly in the workplace, and society, for their problem-solving skills, adaptability and abstract thinking capacity. In this revision course, students will be given a clear grasp of how to approach the problems, spot the difficulties, and plot the course to the perfect answers.

During these revision courses the academic foundation of each question area will be dealt with, via a sequence of questions and answers. Friendly teachers, who love their subject, will help you to arrive at the right answer in the right form. Practise, progress, practise again and again, all the way to the top grades.

There are many ways of enrolling and there are different levels of courses. Go here to see which one best suits you and you’ll soon feel more confident about those exams.

Please also feel free to get in touch directly with Ilia Kurgansky, our Academic Director for Rugby School Online.
His email is;

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